Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sales Secrets for Winners

Sales Secrets for Winners
10-obvious steps that are always overlooked!
(Indian Sales Professional Focused.)

There are thousands of books on sales success and yet I have chosen to bring to you the same subject. As the title suggests, the reason are simple, failures out number success stories and the obvious continuous to be overlooked.

I myself have read many books and articles on sales success. Most of these give you great information. But when you need this information to help you sell, that’s when usefulness is limited.

To bring into practice beautiful acronyms, sales concepts and ideas, is anything but easy for the front-line sales person who hardly knows his own products or organization let alone competition products , sales strategies and other stuff.

And the things he doesn’t understand, he fears to do.

And truthfully speaking actual selling takes place where the customer is and not in the training hall or management school class room where you are faced with absolutely everything; but reality.

It’s the simple things that matter .The basics that count. And that’s exactly where the plot slips.

Sales managers and leaders are so obsessed in charting their on paths to success that they forget that long term success depends on 2 things;

1) The basics of the business &
2) The development of the people in the down line based on these principles.

And hence these guidelines or secrets or rules, whatever you may choose to call them, all 10 of them, which you will find in the next few pages of this little book, if used optimally will build you into a leader and successful manager.

That’s what you want, don’t you?

I have tried just to provide you a gentle insight into all those little things, the basics, the obvious yet unobvious truths that we so easily miss out.

And just to remind you, in case you expect magic to happen after you read this work or any self help or sales management book, I must tell you, the magic is in the action….in the doing.

So read on and act on these simple but time tested rules and benefit.

Keep in mind these few words, they mean a lot if you really are interested to grow and become a leader from whatever position you have today.

By three methods we may learn wisdom:
First, by reflection, which is noblest;
Second, by imitation, which is easiest;
Third by experience, which is the bitterest.
- Confucius

In the coming few days find the ten steps one at a time in my forth coming posts.

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