Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Weight Loss with the Wow effect by a simple lifestyle change.

My experience of reducing weight by 20 Kgs. and waistline by over 6 inches in less than 90 days flat & it’s surprisingly easy to sustain.

Loosing weight is one thing and managing to maintain it, is quite another. But if you are really fed up carrying all that weight around and want a permanent solution, read on.

Countless weight loss and slimming programs are available today. You’ll find one to suit your particular need and your budget as well.

This is the good news.

The bad news though, is that, most of these programs have close to the same effect; marginal to good weight loss in the short run and sure as day follows night, weight-gain no sooner you get off the program.

Another short-coming, and I say this from experience, is that most of these programs are difficult to continue on three major counts first; there is always some extra cooking to be done as you are supposed to eat such food which other family members will not eat, second; there will invariably be some diet supplement which could very well have a number of negative repercussions, and third; it costs a lot of money to prepare this weight loss diet, not to mention you already had to pay up a hefty amount just signing up for the program.
When I decided to take this particular ‘life style change’ (that’s what I like to call it in place of a diet) tip from a doctor, I used to be close to 110kgs, with a bulge round my waist which measured 44 inches! Within 3 months of this program I reduced to 78kgs flat and the bulge receded to a respectable 36 inches.
The beauty of the life style switch or diet or program, whatever you would like to call the process, has been that, visible results started to show no sooner did I complete the first 2 weeks and till the end of 3 months of starting the program I was more or less visibly transformed.
I would check my weight each morning and on most days found 500-750 grams disappearing consistently. Sounds interesting don’t it, well it sure is and I enjoyed every bit of it. The icing on the cake is that although I still do use some of the principles of this diet, which I will share with you now, I have more or less given up the diet and surprisingly my weight still hovers around the 80kg mark!

The process is simple to follow though you need to be extremely disciplined for the first 2 weeks.

The diet any of us have is normally composed of the following:

Carbohydrates :- All grains, sugar, fruit, vegetables etc,
Proteins:- Meats, Fish, Eggs, Milk, Cheese, etc,
Fats:- Oils, Butter, Cream Ghee, etc,
Vitamins & Minerals:- Small quantities,/p>

Water:- Minimum 2 liters per day

What this means is that.

# Carbohydrates forms the major chunk of our diet; in fact 65-70 % of the food we consume in a day consists of just carbohydrates.

# When we eat any food the process of its breaking down commences. And the carbohydrates first of all are reduced into sugar and then get converted into fats.

# No sooner do we consume any food high in carbs sugar is produced and the body’s mechanism retaliates by producing insulin to counter the high level of sugar.

# Now, in case the level of insulin ejected is less than the sugar produced, this excessive sugar is stored in the form of fat deposition in the body around the hips, abdomen, arms and neck area and if the insulin produced is more it is harmful for you anyway. This cycle continues over time.

# Sometimes unfortunately for a few, a time comes when being over-worked; the insulin producing mechanism fails to respond leading to excessive sugar in the blood and diabetes.

Point 2
If we draw a straight line from left to right to denote an index to see which foods have more carbohydrates or higher sugar producing capabilities (also called the Glycaemic Index), the list will be somewhat like this,

From low carbohydrates/sugar on the left in increasing percentage to High carbohydrates/sugar on the right leading to maximum carbohydrates.

So Leafy green vegetables from the left hand side ………to……Refined white rice, (White flour) maida etc on the left hand side.

Minimum carbohydrates…………to…………maximum carbohydrates.

p>The point to understand here is that the lower the amount of carbohydrates you consume the less of it is converted to sugar and as less of it is deposited its burning down as energy is equal to the amount consumed. This ensures that no extra fat deposition takes place.
So the equation is

Energy produced = Energy used

(This is the situation where a person does not put on any extra weight.)

When energy produced is less than energy consumed the deposited fat in the body is used up to fulfill the body’s need of energy, thus resulting in the melting down of the deposition of fat.

Hence the equation is to be brought down to the following, to ensure burning of fat and subsequently loosing fat and lowering of weight:

Energy produced is less than Energy consumed

Point 3
So what must we do to loose weight and keep it so?

It’s simple. Start eating food containing ZERO carbohydrates, ZERO sugar, for the next 2 weeks. When I say zero I mean eat only those food materials that contain least amount of carbohydrates and absolutely no sugar.

What this means is that consume no rice, no bread, no sugar, no fruits, and no vegetables like potatoes, Green peas, carrots etc and also no alcohol, soft drinks, cola’s etc for just 2 weeks.

What this also means is that you start eating only the green veggies like Spinach and beans that are very low on carbohydrates and chicken, eggs and fish etc, which are again low on carbohydrates and high in protein content.

In other words your diet will, for the first 2 weeks, be primarily protein based.

The first 3 days will be tough as the body is used to eating rice and bread, but you must fight the desire. Take my word it will be worth the effort many times over.

The effect of this whole exercise will lead to consumption of slightly fewer or equal calories as compared to your body’s requirement and hence when the body needs that extra bit of energy it will automatically go into the store house, the abdomen, the hip area and the arms where that extra sugar, extra fat is stored up. And the extra pounds will start to disappear.,/p>

An Important Catalyst:
In case you are able to go for a brisk half hour walk and break into a sweat, the calories and the sugar will melt away steadily. You will find this diet extremely quick and effective if you burn some extra calories each day.

When you have managed to continue this eating cycle and walking habit for 2 weeks the results will be for not only you but all to see.

Now the good thing about this, you will be able to see for yourself the weight loss you have as well as the change in inches also will be clearly visible in case you measure it every single day, as was the case with me.,/p>

At the end of these 2 eventful weeks you will feel not only lighter physically but also mentally. And this will be the time that you must decide how you want to go ahead.

In case you want to continue to follow this diet till you reach your target weight, you may do so, and as soon as this is achieved you can add some food higher up on the glycaemic index and satisfy the desire of certain foods.

Remember some people start to lose the extra kgs during the first 2 weeks itself, and others may take some more time, but work it certainly will.

Just remember loosing weight and keeping it away is not only by changing your diet but it is actually a change in life style. As now you will not be eating any rice, bread, muffins, cakes and the like.

A possible diet combination is given below with a list of stuff to be eaten and that which is to be avoided completely (It is actually the diet I followed and still do parts of which):

Tea (with sugar free sweetener preferably sucralose based or it would be best to avoid sugar altogether) with 2 eggs either boiled or scrambled or with onions, tomatoes, mushrooms and peppers (capsicum) as omelets, or salami, bacon in butter or oil.

Snacks (In case you are hungry before lunch)
Cheese cubes, olives, cut green veg. salads, veg. cutlets with cauliflower base etc. Cucumber/lettuce/cabbage – open sandwich or lime juice, tea, some coffee, (sugar free of course) or tomato juice.

Fish- grilled or fried, chicken –grilled or any other way, roast meat, cooked green vegetables, salads with olive oil or Mayo toppings.

Tea Time
Tea and snacks as stated above.

Soups (starch free of course), fish, prawns, squids, lamb meat, chicken, eggs, coked vegetables and salads.

A big NO to the following food:/p>

Rice,wheat,corn,cornflour,maida,oats,cornflakes,noodles,pasta,bread,pastries,fried food , sweets, chocolates, fruits and nuts, potatoes, green peas, carrots, alcohol, sough syrups, chewing gums, breath fresheners, honey, coconuts and soft drinks.

Another Important Suggestion; at a given time the quantity of food that can be contained in your stomach is equal to the size of your fist into 2. That’s the quantity of food you must consume at a time.

Secondly it’s just in the mind that you will not be able to survive without rice or bread or the kind of food you have been used to or products which form the basis of your food. In a matter of 2-3 days that craving will subside, and there will be no feeling of weakness; on the contrary you will feel a lot more energetic within a period of 3-4 days of starting this diet.

Last but not the least; you must consume a minimum of 2-3 liters of water each day as a rule.

It’s also advisable to take some good multivitamins when you thus change your life style eating wise.

Continue this life style in regards to your eating habits and reap rich results in the form of lean and slim figure.

As of now I consume only whole grain breads, and refrain from eating any carbohydrate rich food after 6 pm as rule and continue to keep my weight in check at around 80 kgs.,/p>

In case you have some medical condition, take your doctor into confidence before you start this process.

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